Misaligned Teeth – What are the causes?

People frequently have crooked teeth in today’s society. Both children and adults have it. People who have crooked teeth shouldn’t feel self-conscious about them and should consider having them straightened. The irregularly positioned teeth are distinctive and give the smile charm and originality.

Both the baby teeth and the permanent teeth have the potential to develop alignment issues. Baby teeth can sometimes become out of place because there isn’t enough gum tissue for them to fit into. Genetic and hereditary problems are some other causes.

The causes of misaligned teeth:


Uneven teeth may run in families. Some disorders that can run in your family include crowding, jaw size, jaw shape, having too many teeth (hyperdontia), overbites, underbites, and poor tooth or palate development.

Oral Hygiene Issues

Gingivitis may develop if you don’t maintain appropriate dental hygiene (the early stages of gum disease). In the US, about half of persons over 30 have gum disease, according to the Journal of Dental Research. Periodontitis can result from untreated gingivitis. Your teeth may become looser, move, or even fall out as a result of this more serious type of gum disease.

Early baby tooth loss

Early baby tooth loss could have caused other teeth to migrate into the space left by the loss, crowding the area where a permanent tooth would ultimately erupt.

Thumb sucking

You might have crooked teeth if you had a childhood habit of sucking on your thumbs (or other objects, etc.).

Tongue thrusting

Your tongue should rest behind your front teeth on the roof of your mouth as you swallow. Tongue thrusting is when you shove your tongue against your teeth. Crooked teeth may develop as a result of this behaviour over time.


The health and growth of your body’s muscles, bones, and tissue depend on getting enough nutrients from your diet. In addition to other possible health problems, your body may develop crooked teeth if you don’t give it what it needs.

Mouth breathing

Mouth breathing in children may affect how their teeth line up.


Your teeth may be out of alignment as a result of accidents, sports injuries, and other injuries.

Final thoughts

Numerous well-known and prosperous persons have crooked teeth, which are viewed as either attractive or quirky. But it’s crucial to remember that your oral health may suffer even if you enjoy the distinctive beauty that comes with your misaligned teeth. Consult your dentist to find out if any of the aforementioned options for straightening your teeth are appropriate for you.

Whatever you choose, as dental experts we hope it brings you joy.
