Leading cause of sensitivity

Sensitive teeth are frequently characterized by unexpected pain or discomfort when consuming hot or cold foods and beverages or when you breathe through your mouth. The good news is that it is also treatable. With the help of our informative guide, you can learn the main causes, symptoms, and effective treatments for tooth sensitivity.


If you have sensitive teeth, certain actions, such as eating or drinking anything hot or cold, can create severe discomfort or sensation in your teeth. Dentin hypersensitivity can occur in people of any age, from newborns to elderly people. The main cause of sensitivity is the erosion of the dental enamel or exposure to the tooth roots. Sharp pain and discomfort are the first signs of a sensitive tooth’s potential effects.

Additionally, one should not assume that tooth sensitivity would diminish or disappear on its own. When you feel sensitivity, it is advisable to see your dentist so they can check your oral health because this could lead to many more issues. Your sensitive tooth concerns will be resolved once and for all by visiting a reputable, patient-focused, hygiene-friendly dentist’s office.

SENSITIVE TEETH CAUSES: Let’s examine the reasons for sensitive teeth immediately.

Poor oral hygiene and a person’s lifestyle may be the main causes of sensitive teeth. Additionally, some people’s thinner enamel can make them more sensitive. To help you better understand yourself, the causes of sensitive teeth are listed below.

  • One may suffer tooth sensitivity when using a hard toothbrush or when brushing their teeth vigorously.
  • The crushing of the teeth at night may be one of the reasons for dentin hypersensitivity.
  • Numerous meals and beverages that are acidic may also be at fault.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux or acidity may also be the source of stomach acid reflux because it can enter the mouth and damage tooth enamel.
  • Tooth sensitivity may occasionally be caused by poor dental hygiene, or cracked, fractured, or chipped teeth.
  • Sensitivity can also result from exposed teeth due to receding gums.
  • Dental procedures like fillings, crowns, etc. may cause your sensitivity for a specific period. Furthermore, in a few days, the sensitivity in a specific area will lessen.

How Can Sensitive Teeth Be Treated?

Sore, sensitive teeth can be managed more easily and with less discomfort if the pain is reduced. The goal is to keep up a strong oral hygiene practice.

For more information, visit Dental Curve!
