Home Remedies to Eliminate Bad Breath

25% of people around the world suffer from extremely bad breath, called halitosis. However, a lot more people have experienced the universally despised morning breath. Maintaining healthy teeth and gums while also enhancing your breath is simple.

Try these simple steps to make your mouth feel fresh and clean.

Fennel or anise seeds

In some parts of India, roasted fennel seeds are still used as “mukhwas,” or mouth fresheners, to get rid of lingering dinnertime breath. They taste delicious and feature fragrant essential oils that freshen the breath.

Pineapple juice

Pineapple juice is frequently regarded as the simplest and most efficient way to treat bad breath. Although there is no scientific proof to support this theory, anecdotal evidence suggests that it is effective.

Chew on cloves

Cloves aid in breath freshening and battle tooth-cavity-causing germs.

Simply chew or suck on a few cloves many times each day.

Drink Water Often

Natural bacteria in your mouth prevent teeth from eroding. But it also contains a lot of dangerous bacteria that lead to tartar and plaque accumulation, which smells awful.

The best technique to get rid of that bacteria with an offensive scent is to drink water.

Green tea

Green tea can be used as a home remedy for bad breath. Research suggests that green tea has antibacterial and deodorizing properties that temporarily freshen breath. The greatest technique to refresh your breath maybe with a cup of green mint tea since mint provides similar advantages.


Lactobacillus, a beneficial bacterium, is present in yogurt. Your body can use these healthy bacteria to defend itself against harmful microorganisms in several places, including your gut.

Yogurt may also help minimize foul breath, according to a study.

Floss your teeth

Plaque accumulation, bacteria, or food particles stuck between or on your teeth are often the cause of bad breath, but flossing removes them.

Homemade mouthwash with baking soda

Baking soda, commonly known as sodium bicarbonate, has been proven in studies to be an efficient antimicrobial for the mouth. According to studies, using toothpaste with high baking soda concentrations can significantly lessen bad breath.

Final thoughts

Use the aforementioned advice to get rid of foul breath. Make sure you’re maintaining good oral and dental hygiene. Furthermore, make sure you’re getting plenty of water.

The second most crucial piece of advice is to visit your dentist regularly. Make sure to schedule routine cleanings and checkups.
